Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crow Butte - Again...

Just a quick trip to one of our favorite campgrounds! 

Campground Info:  Crow Butte State Park  Boardman, WA .  Site 42 (where else!) The weather was sunny and windy!  Bathroom rating:  Excellent!

Campers:  Jim, Deb, Geoff and Cyrus the boxer.

This trip was sunny - the first one all year, but VERY, VERY windy!  Windy enough that we were not able to spend much time outdoors.  The wind brought the temperature down enough that coats were still a requirement. It was very cool to see a herd of deer crossing the road as we entered the campground. 

The next day we went for a hike to see the beach area - again windy!  I almost lost my stylish baseball cap!  Along the way we ran across a couple of herds of deer out foraging on the ridge. 

The beach itself was pretty much non-existent - we have had so much rain this year that the shoreline was covered with high water. 
Crow Butte Beach 

We are looking at a different site for next month when we come back.  Bryan is coming home from Alaska and has asked to go camping with us.  Time to try a different site and see how it is! 

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