Friday, March 25, 2011

Silver Falls - Rain, Rain Go Away....

I'm not sure, but I think this camping trip we actually did camp under the falls.... It was a very wet weekend!

Campground Info:  Silver Falls State Park  Silverton, OR.  Site 11.  Weather was rain, rain, and more rain.  Ideal sites for future camping:  37, 34, 25 or 14.  Bathroom rating:  Excellent!

Campers:  Jim, Deb, Geoff and Cyrus the boxer. 

A view of our moat.... 

Silver Falls is relatively close and easy to get to.  We got a late start on Friday and it started pouring rain when we got within five miles of the campground.   We had a much easier time backing in this time, but we did have to set up in the rain - almost a mandatory requirement when we camp!  We spent Friday night inside as it rained most of the night.

Saturday it showered but we were able to hike along the Rim Trail to the top of Winter Falls and back with minimal precipitation.  The rest of Saturday was spent recovering, both from the hike and the being chilled due to being wet.  Cyrus was not happy with us for such a long hike, nor a hike in the rain. 

"Don't make me keep hiking in the rain!" 
Jim got a new iPad this trip and we were all entertained by the games and books on it.  The fight for the iPad rages on! 

Loved this campground, but our site was one of the many that flooded.  The other sites mentioned up above were ones that might be a better site that had minimal flooding.  We would like to try this campground again - maybe next time sans rain! 

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