Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year from Cape Disappointment

Well - our intentions for camping every month kind of fell by the wayside for October and November due to holidays and family obligations.  However, since we went on New Years Eve I think we barely managed to squeak in the month of December and hit January too! 

Campground info:  Cape Disappointment  State Park, site 59.  Weather was cold, cloudy and rainy.

Campers:  Jim, Deb, Geoff and Cyrus the boxer 

On the beach at Cape Disappointment 
Cape Disappointment has some wonderful driftwood that is on its beaches.  We spent the cold (think ice patches) morning on New Year's Day on the beach - climbing on driftwood, checking out shipwrecks and looking for a Geo-cache in a long, dark cave. 

The night before, when we arrived for set-up, we were visited by racoons who were checking out our cooler.  They actually were able to open it (while we were setting up in the GRUB) and ran off with a pitcher of juice.  Our next door neighbor and his little dog, Princess, came out to see what the fuss was about.  We called him Mr Teacher, as he was a retired teacher and knew a lot about the area and its history. 

This trip, the heater kicked in quite a bit and we were delighted to discover that cold would not be a hindrance to us in the GRUB.  That little space heater works very well!  We also picked up a dog coat for Cyrus as he is getting older and the cold affects him when we are out walking. 

Cyrus and his new blue coat (its reversible too!)            
One of my favorite things on our hikes that weekend was the pine cones on the trees. 
A wonderful way to start out the new year! 

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