Monday, January 2, 2012

Second Annual New Year's Trip to Cape Disappointment Part III

Sunday was what we call a "down day".  We had a wonderful breakfast of french toast and bacon but Geoff was feeling more than a little under the weather.  When we went back to Sid's IGA (local grocery store) to drop off the movie Geoff fell asleep on the way (it's only 15 minutes away).  We had originally planned on going geocaching now that I found the answer to our technical issue but we felt it best to just take it easy the rest of the day.

It should be noted that if we still had the GRUB we probably would have packed it in when Geoff got sick.  But since this is a home away from home we were comfortable staying.

Anyway, after stopped by the local bookstore and got some more reading material.  Upon returning to Serenity we got some lunch, took a quick walk on the beach then read pretty much the rest of the day.  Geoff fell asleep again and woke up around 6:00PM.  We made dinner then whiled away the evening until retiring very early at 9:30PM.  I think we were all tired.

Today we slept in (yes, even I didn't get up until well after 7) then it was another great breakfast consisting of Deb's Breakfast Casserole.  Then we got cleaned up and started the tear down process.  I'm very happy to say we were able to do a full breakdown including winterizing in just over an hour.  Amazing what can happen when three people know what to do!

We left the campground just after noon as a pretty big storm was coming in.  High wind with a large trailer was a new experience for us.  I have to say I was a bit nervous as the trailer was blown around.  After getting about 25 miles inland the winds let up a bit and it was pretty much business as usual except for the driving rain.

So we're back at home and already anticipating the next trip.

A couple of notes on this trip:

  • It rained lightly when we arrived at Cape Disappointment, then again a couple of hours later.  Then it stayed dry until we started the tear down today.  The highs were in the upper 40s to lower 50s and the lows were in the lower 40s.  Excellent weather for December on the coast!!
  • Compared to last year, our propane use was actually down, even though we have a larger trailer with more things that use propane.
  • I mentioned in an earlier blog that I would try to post daily.  This campsite had zero cellular coverage so rather than drive in to a spot with signal I just turned off and enjoyed the quiet.
  • Oh, and the refrigerator worked all weekend :-D

Until next time,


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