Monday, August 1, 2011

Eagle's Nest Part One

I'm struggling with how to start this one. Due to my illness and a lot of other factors we had to cancel our trip to Olympic National Park. This was supposed to be a 10-day trip and the highlight of our summer. Alas, it was not to be.

We hadn't been camping as a family since June and that was kind of a letdown. The previous trip was back in mid-May so Deb was truly yearning for us to get out and go somewhere... anywhere. I did my usual perusal of sites and being smack in the middle of summer there were no nearby (within 4 hours) state campgrounds available either in Washington or Oregon. I then remembered our accidental discovery of Eagle's Nest Resort near Ilwaco back in January. I phoned asking for rates and availability and both were agreeable.

We packed up the GRUB and set off on Friday the 29th. The drive was uneventful and we stopped in Astoria to get some dinner. We arrived at Eagle's Nest and checked in. We were surprised that the park was maybe 1/3 full at the height of summer. We got a decent site and set up, had a campfire and basically chilled out for the evening.

We spent most of the day Saturday at the beach then returned to the campground. Deb and I tried out the pool and really enjoyed the hot tub!

Sunday we broke camp and headed home fairly early.
Cyrus running on the beach

Jim flying the Shiva

The GRUB at the campsite.

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