Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Umpqua Lighthouse and Beverly Beach

Friday afternoon was very busy starting at about 2:30. That is what time Deb got off work so Jim got all the perishable food packed. Most of the work and loading had been done Thursday evening but the last push always seems to be frantic. Deb was about 15 minutes late getting off work and went directly from work to the high school to pick up Geoff. Jim was working at home so no commute was necessary.

Deb and Geoff got home at 3:20 and we were on the road at 3:38. Pretty impressive turnaround! Jim was very anxious to get going because Google Maps indicated a journey of about 4.5 hours and PDX traffic would only lengthen the trip. Traffic was indeed heavy but was moving. Jim estimates we lost 20-30 minutes in Portland. But the rest of the trek was clear sailing and we arrived at our campsite about 8:15--far sooner than anticipated especially with a gas stop. It should be noted at this time that Jim is getting neurotic with the gas mileage the Titan gets pulling Serenity. He was almost giddy to see 9.3 MPG after the 7.5 on the maiden voyage last weekend.

As Jim was attempting to back Serenity into the campsite two very helpful gentlemen offered their services by giving great guidance and advice to get her in with a minimum of effort. To date Jim has now backed Serenity four times and it is getting easier but it still feels like the trailer is winning. The GRUB was a mere 12 feet that you could see over. Serenity is 31 feet stem to stern and there's no seeing over her 11 feet of height. Jim will get used to it in a few more trips.

Anyway, Jim and Geoff got her leveled and set up in record time. All the cargo was stowed and relaxation commenced by 9:00. We enjoyed a walk around the campground, a snack and beverage before retiring around 10:30.

Friday evening was beautiful weather-wise until we got to the campsite. The onshore flow drove a thick cloud layer right over us. No rain, just grey. Saturday dawned mostly clear and we noticed the wind shifted to offshore so the day looked promising. We enjoyed our coffee overlooking the lake and watching the Stellar's jays doing their morning scavenging.

Deb made one of her standards for breakfast--camping doughnuts. As usual they were yummy and there was enough to feed the entire campground. Jim and Geoff then spent some time getting Serenity perfectly level. This was done because the refrigerator was not working and we wanted to rule that out as a cause. It didn't fix the fridge but it did refine their leveling skills.

From there the family was off to see Umpqua lighthouse. The museum there is fascinating. We learned a great deal about the mouth of the Umpqua river and the importance of the delivery of goods to the towns upstream. It was lucrative to the point captains and crew would risk their lives and their ships attempting to navigate the channel. Many ships were lost as well as a few lives. It was a much more difficult life back then.

We all then boarded our modernly convenient transportation and took a little ride so Jim could show Deb and Geoff the dunes for which this area is so famous and popular (Jim came here a couple of years ago). The sand dunes stretch for a few miles south of Winchester Bay and people come from miles around bringing their various ATVs, buggies and motorcycles to play. It is staggering to see the sheer number of vehicles and the associated support RVs, trucks and trailers.

After admiring all the pretty hardware it was off to Reedsport for some light grocery shopping. Then back to the campsite for a late lunch. We then went for a lap around Lake Marie on one of the lushest trails. The area is truly beautiful. The hike wasn't very long but we are finding that even the short hikes are taking their toll on Cyrus. He was very tired once we got back.

The remainder of the afternoon was whiled away playing Scrabble and reading. Jim continued trying to troubleshoot the fridge problem and eventually had to admit defeat, muttering something about the thermostat relay and vowing to call the salesman in the morning.

Dinner was another staple of grilled cheeseburgers and baked beans. But it was dessert that was the highlight. Deb has discovered pie irons and we made these apple pies that were simply amazing. Three minutes prep time and three minutes over the campfire and you've got a scrumptious, single-serving apple pie. Two words: YUM MY!!!!

Darkness settled over the site and we reveled in the fact that it had been a nearly perfect day. The weather was sunny and clear--warm but not hot. Great food, good fun, and we saw some sites too. If Jim hadn't obsessed about the fridge it would have been perfect. We went to bed around 10PM.

Jim was the first one up (as usual) Sunday morning, rising at the ungodly hour of 5:45. The weather "went coastal" overnight and somehow caught us by surprise. The term "went coastal" in this context means that the onshore flow is enough to trigger the dew point and get everything wet. It's not rain per se, but the results are the same. The weather remained mostly cloudy for the day with scattered sun breaks.

Deb made breakfast casserole to start the morning and the tone of the day was pure relaxation. After breakfast we piled into the truck and went a couple miles south to check out William M. Tugman State Park. Whenever we are near other campgrounds we like to check them out as potential destinations. Tugman SP will definitely be added to our list as it is larger than Umpqua Lighthouse and is right on the shore of Eel Lake. Maybe next summer.

After that small excursion we went back into Reedsport for groceries. We returned to Serenity and Jim called the salesman who sold her to us to discuss the refrigerator. After listing all the steps Jim had already tried he suggested Jim call the shop. In a fit of desperation Jim decided to turn off all the breakers and turn them on again. Lo and behold! The fridge woke up! Jim was doing the happy dance all over the campsite. It was quite embarrassing.

Then everyone showered up and had lunch. Then it was off to do some geocaching. We found three and logged our visits (team name KITEJUNKIES). Then is was back to the site for more relaxation followed by grilled bourbon chicken with pasta salad.

After dinner Jim noticed the two ladies across the way were having some extreme difficulties with their screen room. Being the engineer type he headed over to help. It was a comedy of errors as the two ladies had things so fouled up it took at least thirty minutes to unravel and get it right. Deb went out to find out where Jim got off to and she got roped into helping too. Geoff followed sometime thereafter. Between the five of them it finally got assembled correctly.

Afterward it was time to get everything under shelter as the coastal mist was rolling in off the ocean threatening wet conditions. Everyone including Jim was relaxed and ready for bed. We did some reading and hit the rack around 10.

Monday dawned a bit brighter than Sunday, with the clouds remaining high. The mists seemed to have deposited their moisture and backed off. Monday's breakfast was bacon and pancakes.

After everyone had eaten and bathed there was a quick run into Reedsport for last minute supplies including socks for Geoff and soft drinks for all. then back to the campsite to pack it all up. We were able to do so in a mere 45 minutes and we cleared the campground at 1:00pm.

We drove north up the coast and what an amazing road. Up and down, twisting and turning, flirting with the coast. Some shores are rocky, others are sandy and some are in between. Some have gentle coastlines, others sheer cliffs. All of it insanely beautiful as the afternoon sun lit up the ocean.

About 80 miles later we were at our destination; Beverly Beach State Park. We checked in and found our spot. Setup was very quick and we enjoyed a beverage before walking down to the beach. Upon arrival we noticed a wedding party on the beach including the bride in her resplendent gown. They were having their photos taken. Jim talked briefly with one of the guests and it turns out the happy couple were just married at the large yurt in the campground--definitely a unique idea and we wished them well.

We stripped off our shoes and walked along the beach for a while, soaking in the sun and surf, before heading back to camp. Geoff started a fire and we had pie iron pizzas for dinner. Jim and Geoff are now totally on board with this pie iron idea and look forward to discovering more recipes.

The family spent the rest of the evening just relaxing before turning in around 10pm.

Again, Jim was the first up at 6:45am but the rest of the family joined him at 7:15. The weather turned drippy overnight, graduating from "going coastal" to a light drizzle. Not uncommon on the coast. However, it ceased by 7:45.

The day was pretty much all business starting with a gourmet breakfast of Pop Tarts and coffee. Then bathing and the breakdown of the campsite. Jim wanted to get an early start to avoid traffic in Portland. All the chores were done and we were on the road by 10:30am.

The ride home was uneventful. The traffic was horrible on 99W as is usual but we were able to sneak up I-5 and be home by 1:30pm. We unloaded Serenity then took her back to the stable, her second voyage complete.

The family agrees that this was the best trip since our trip to Manchester State Park with the Fullers in late July of last year. You know it was a good trip when you come home relaxed but wanting more.

Until next time,

Geeky Flo
McPherson's RV Mascot

Total miles this trip including excursions 492.


View Camping Destinations in a larger map

Our site at Beverly Beach

Beverly Beach showing the full rig

Another full rig shot

Serenity in all her glory!

Umpqua Lighthouse


Swivel chairs/loveseat

Loveseat and Dinette

Entertainment center



Swivel chairs

Monday, August 15, 2011

Eagle's Nest Part Two

The big news is we finally upgraded! Yes, indeed, we were finally able to make it work out. We picked up Serenity on Saturday August 6 and couldn't wait to get her on the road.

For the maiden voyage we decided to go back to Eagle's Nest since the trip two weeks ago was so wonderful. This time we took Carl and Geoff's friend Kyle with us. It was an interesting trek as it was my first time dragging the new, much heavier, trailer. Add in the three boys and a boxer in the back seat and it was, shall we say, "invigorating".

We got to Eagle's Nest and I think everyone figured out it was nearly empty two weeks ago because they had only a few spots available when we got there. It took me a few attempts to get Serenity backed in but I managed. Setup took much longer than anticipated as we were figuring out how everything worked, etc.

I have to say this was a great trip even if the campground was crowded. We repeated the activities of the prior trip by spending the majority of Saturday at the beach then the evening at the pool and hot tub. Because of the way things worked out it was me, Kyle and Geoff that did the swimming while Carl and Deb stayed with Cyrus at the campsite.

It was a whirlwind trip and, worst of all, our camera decided to go on the fritz so only a few pictures came out. I'll do a much better job this coming weekend as we head to Umpqua Lighthouse State Park!

Flo, our RV mascot!

Cyrus guards the campsite.

Kyle tells us what he thinks of the beach ;-)

Carl enjoying the sand.

Geoff totally buried.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Eagle's Nest Part One

I'm struggling with how to start this one. Due to my illness and a lot of other factors we had to cancel our trip to Olympic National Park. This was supposed to be a 10-day trip and the highlight of our summer. Alas, it was not to be.

We hadn't been camping as a family since June and that was kind of a letdown. The previous trip was back in mid-May so Deb was truly yearning for us to get out and go somewhere... anywhere. I did my usual perusal of sites and being smack in the middle of summer there were no nearby (within 4 hours) state campgrounds available either in Washington or Oregon. I then remembered our accidental discovery of Eagle's Nest Resort near Ilwaco back in January. I phoned asking for rates and availability and both were agreeable.

We packed up the GRUB and set off on Friday the 29th. The drive was uneventful and we stopped in Astoria to get some dinner. We arrived at Eagle's Nest and checked in. We were surprised that the park was maybe 1/3 full at the height of summer. We got a decent site and set up, had a campfire and basically chilled out for the evening.

We spent most of the day Saturday at the beach then returned to the campground. Deb and I tried out the pool and really enjoyed the hot tub!

Sunday we broke camp and headed home fairly early.
Cyrus running on the beach

Jim flying the Shiva

The GRUB at the campsite.