Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cape Disapointment

The campsite may be called Cape Disappointment, but for our first camping excursion in the GRUB, it was anything BUT disappointing!

Campground Info:  Cape Disappointment State Park, site 58.  Weather was rainy & cloudy.
Campers:  Jim, Deb, Carl, Geoff

The campsite offered nice trees, perfect for tying the dog to, and the sound of the nearby ocean.  Cape Disappointment also has plenty of hiking trails, Geo-caching, and a natural amphitheater.  Since it is early in the camping season, we practically had the place to ourselves. 

We got all set up - first one by ourselves - and then hit the beach.  We came back and were able to grill dinner on the outside gas grill.  We attempted to make S'mores on the campfire, but just when we lit the fire, the rain started!  It rained like crazy and we all retreated to the inside for hot chocolate, cold S'mores and board games.  Nothing like listening to the rain on the tent, and not being on the ground!

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