Friday, September 10, 2010

Crow Butte - Revisited Again

We wanted to try taking Cyrus to a campsite that wasn't quite as sheltered from vision as Manchester was to determine if he was really going to be good with camping.  So - back to Crow Butte!

Campground Info:  Crow Butte State Park  Boardman, WA  Site 42.  Weather was sunny and hot.

Campers:  Jim, Deb, Geoff and Cyrus the boxer.

Cyrus in the sunshine.

On this trip we borrowed a friends inflatable kayak.  We figured that we should try out the water sports at some point in time and this would also help us to determine if we wanted to look at purchasing a kayak ourselves at some point. 

Jim and Geoff took care of inflating the kayak and then took the maiden voyage while I stayed back at camp with Cyrus.  Because of his nails, and the fact that the kayak was borrowed, we didn't feel it was a good idea for him to go in the kayak.  Not only that - Cyrus isn't too crazy about water.  He will get his feet wet when necessary, but other than that... not so much! 

Off into the wild!
Again, another relaxing and enjoyable weekend!